Children’s clothes 

Cooking stoves 

Solar lights 

Good quality nearly new clothes, shoes, towels and bedding donated in the UK are very much appreciated

in Malawi, where they will be

 distributed free of charge.

Handmade by women in Malawi, chitetezo mbaulas are clay-fired,

portable cooking stoves that require significantly less firewood than the traditional three-stone fires.

Brighter, cheaper and safer than candles and kerosene lamps, these portable lights are invaluable in Malawi, where less than 12% of the population has access to electricity.

Wheelchairs for children 

Sanitary products 

Disabled children in Malawi have to be carried, usually by their mothers, which is humiliating for the children

and both exhausting and time-

consuming for their mothers.

The provision of properly fitted

wheelchairs can transform these children’s lives by giving them independence and the opportunity to develop their full potential. With support from their friends, many will gain access to an education.

Women and girls in low-income families are unable to afford sanitary pads and have to resort to using chitenje rags (small pieces of fabric) instead, which are uncomfortable, unhygienic and unreliable. Many girls worry about the risk of leakage, inadequate washing facilities and the lack of female-only toilets

at school and miss out on their

education by staying at home

while they are menstruating.

Charitable status

ChildCare Malawi is unable to register with the Charity Commission because our annual income is less than £5,000. However, we are registered as

a Small Charity with HMRC, which entitles us to claim Gift Aid on eligible donations.


Click on individual butterflies for more information.

Picture credits

All images are copyright of

their owners and must not be used for any reason without prior written authorisation.

Row 1 left and centre

© Joyce Maunde.

Row 1 right © Patrick Bentley/SolarAid.

Row 2  left © Langsfield Mwahimba.

Row 2  centre top  © Joyce Maunde.

Row 2  centre bottom  © Juliet Ngalaba.

Row 2 right  © Juliet Ngalaba.

Row 3 ©  Naomi Chinkhuntha.


Copyright © 2025 ChildCare Malawi. All rights reserved.

Created by Beechurst Designs.